Getting all the information you need is important when you’re considering dental implants in Singapore. One of our priorities is making sure that each and every patient is well-informed. That way, you’ll be comfortable with the entire process.
Here are five ideas that will put you at ease if you’re considering this common cosmetic dentistry procedure.
Implants Are Good for Your Healthy Teeth
Lots of people think dental implants are a full replacement for their original teeth. That’s not always the case. In fact, our dental implants in Singapore are quite often placed side-by-side with natural teeth.
These are an excellent replacement for dental bridges. Quite often,these bridges need to be anchored and that means an otherwise healthy tooth must be filed so it can be fixed in place.
Implants Help You to Eat Normally
People with dentures often complain they can’t eat the foods they once enjoyed. Corn and chewy foods can get stuck underneath while some folks avoid snacks like nuts and seeds altogether. That’s not the case with dental implants. They act and feel exactly like a natural tooth.
In fact, we suggest you even keep the same dental hygiene routine you had with your original set!
Implants Look Like the Real Thing
One of the comments we hear most often about our dental implants in Singapore is how durable they are. Our patients rave about the fact they are easy to maintain by brushing and flossing. Another advantage is cosmetic. Dental implants look just like the real thing and they can boost your confidence and give you a great smile you’ll enjoy for years.
Implants are Integrated
Another benefit of dental implants is the fact that they replace your whole root and tooth. Dentures and bridges sit on top of your gums and can shift when you eat certain foods.
Dental implants sit on top of a titanium post and are actually stronger than your original teeth.
Implants are Successful
Research tells us dental implants are extremely successful. In fact, the data shows the success rate is about 95% for most of these procedures.
It’s important to remember we provide an initial consultation. Over the years, we’ve found that’s the best way to make sure you’re an excellent candidate for this particular cosmetic technique.
We’re here when you need dental implants in Singapore.