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Bone Grafts

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A bone graft is a procedure to repair or rebuild bone loss to secure over your jaw bone to recreate its height and thickness that have been previously lost due to gum disease, tooth extractions or other jaw conditions.


Why would you need a Bone Graft?

You may need bone grafting:


  • To increase bone volume for a strong foundation into which dental implants can be placed;

  • To treat gum disease;

  • For orthognathic surgical procedures;

  • To address face trauma or injury;

  • To replace a missing tooth.


Diagnotic with CT scan of the jaw

a CT scan will allow us to assess the exact shape and amount of bone at the areas of interest.

Bone Graft techniques

Steps of Bone Grafts Treatment

with a technique suitable for the case



At Nuffield Dental we are your Singapore bone grafts experts. We understand the importance of maintaining healthy gums and teeth.

Techniques that can be used for bone grafts:





- Autogenous bone grafts – taken from your own jaw

- Homologous bone grafts – from donors sources

- Xenografts – from other species e.g bovine sources

- Synthetic grafts – chemically created artificial materials

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More Information about Bone Grafts

For more information about Singapore bone grafts and dental implants, please call us today for a consultation.

stps of bone grafts treatment
why bone g
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