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Millions of people globally face the issue of missing teeth. “All-on-4”, a dental implant treatment, is a hassle-free procedure that provides a full set of teeth and is a permanent solution to unstable, failing or missing teeth. 

What is All-on-4?

Signature Service

All-on-4 implants

Determine if you are able to benefit from the All-on-4 procedure or if you would be more suitable for another dental treatment.

What is All-on-4?

A full dental replacement, where an entire jaw of teeth is replaced, is the most challenging of dental reconstructions. 


The All-on-4 treatment simplifies this reconstruction by using 4-6 dental implants (straight or tilted), permitting the provision of immediate temporary fixed bridges for edentulous patients. This is carried out despite limited bone availability.


This protocol has become a popular procedure worldwide.



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Benefits of All-on-4

Listen to Our Patient

Hear from one of our patients, Art Pacheco, who has received a successful All-on-4 dental treatment. 


He shares with us his experience: Why did he decide on the All-on-4 treatment? How did he feel during and after the procedure? What was the recovery process like?


He answers all the questions you too might have.

Determine if you are able to benefit from the All-on-4 procedure or if you would be more suitable for another dental treatment.

2:38 mins


Life-like Appearance

of teeth that closely resemble natural teeth.

Lower Cost

of treatment as compared to conventional implant dental treatments.

Permanent Alternative to Dentures

unlike dental bridges or dentures which are removable.

Smile Restored in a Day

back to normal life immediately after surgery with minimal recovery time.

Shorter Treatment Times

resulting in a lower number of surgeries.

Significant Improvement to Quality of Life

with regards to function, aesthetic, and quality of speech.

Good Clinical Outcome

with high success rate & a popular choice worldwide.

Why Choose Us?

Same Day Appointment

Knowledgeable, experienced, skilled team of dentists


to have your dental issue immediately treated.

Open 6 Days/Week, 10 Accessible Clinics Island-wide

so you have a hassle-free experience when visiting our clinics. 

to allow for convenient booking of dental appointments.

Seamless Booking Experience

involved in implant dentistry & oral surgery for more than 20 years.

Other Services

We offer a suite of other dental implantology procedures. Depending on the number of teeth which require replacing, or the volume of jaw bone available, a suitable procedure will be recommended. Find out more below about these procedures. 


Dental Implants


Zygoma Implants


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Tubero Pterygoid Implants


Sinus Lift Surgery


Bone Grafts

Determine if you are able to benefit from the All-on-4 procedure or if you would be more suitable for another dental treatment.

What is a teeth in a day?


2:38 mins



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Determine if you are able to benefit from the All-on-4 procedure or if you would be more suitable for another dental treatment.

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